What I'm doing now...
It's April 2020. When you grow up, you might remember this as 'The Time We All Had To Stay Home'. Maybe it will be 'The Time We All Had to Stay Home, and I Did Amazing Things.' Are you trying new things? To be honest, I'm not doing as many new things as I thought I might. But I have been rewriting some nursery rhymes and fairy tales that fit our stay-at-home times. I enjoy making rhymes that are different than the original nursery rhymes. Here's Bo Peep. .jpg)
I like trying to figure out how to change the familiar story to make it into an up-to-the-minute tale. I draw it really quickly because it is for fun, and I don't want to be serious. Here's my version of Cinderella.
The first one I did was Red Riding Hood. It was only one drawing, and it didn't rhyme. Red Riding Hood has to stay home, like all of us, and the wolf is so disappointed. In Red Riding Hood's day, I don't think they had telephones. But nowadays she would have, so she could talk to her Gran. 
You could easily do a new story or nursery rhyme too. You could even sing it or dance it or act it, and make it into a show for the grown-ups. Poor things, they're probably bored!